

MRO: Battalion 1944 Open - Online Groupstage

As competition in the newly released Battalion 1944 heats up, our veteran squad is preparing itself for the first barrage of events. As previously announced, we will be participating in the Malta Robotics Olympiad - Battalion 1944: Open, organised by The schedule for the online...

EVERSIO @ Go4Dota 2 EU Cup #154

Once again, we're participating in the weekly Go4Dota 2 Cup series, organised by ESL. With €300 on the line, and spots for the monthly finals, the Go4Dota 2 series of cups is one of the most popular amongst amateur and semi-pro Dota 2 teams around the world, with 64 teams participating this...

Rocket League squad @ Nova Series #2

The Project EVERSIO Rocket League squad - the two time Malta LAN champions - will be participating in their third LAN event between the 6th and the 8th of April 2018 at the Nova Series #2, organised by Quickfire. The trio -  Matteo "Auxin" Portelli,  Shaun...

EVERSIO @ The MRO Battalion 1944: Open!

Our new Battalion 1944 squad is now officially signed up to the organisation's first major event of the year: The MRO Battalion 1944: Open. The MRO - the Malta Robotics Olympiad, is a yearly technology event, organised by the Minsitry for Education and Employment of the Government of Malta,...