

EVERSIO.HS @ House Rivalries Season 5

Project Eversio's Hearthstone team will be one of 24 teams who will be competing in the upcoming House Rivalries 2020 Season 5 EU Division, starting off today, the 23rd of November 2020. The event recently got a huge boost with the endorsement of DreamHack, and the event will feature a...

CSGO: Malta National League!

We've brought back the boys together to participate in the Malta National League for CS:GO, organised by the Eden Esports!   Kyle "Xaka" Gatt  Gabriel "left0ver" Mizzi  Blake "mejta" Falzon Tuckwell  Milan "CrePoW"...

EVERSIO.Valorant Strikes First!

Valorant has been the perfect disrupter in the competitive tactical shooter genre during COVID-19 times. Whether one thinks its a serious contender to the undisputed king, CS:GO, or otherwise, it is undeniable that it has provided something new for enthusiasts of the genre to sink their teeth into....

EVERSIO.FIFA: Welcome, Turbuleense & Sanchez!

Two years ago, we were represented by Gianluca "Turbuleense" Sant until the end of the FIFA18's competitive run. We're now making a comeback to the everlasting franchise, FIFA with the signing of two world-class players in order to participate in the FIFA eClub World Cup...